2851 Michigan Street, NE
Suite 101
Grand Rapids, MI 49506
7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. EST
7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. EST
Wednesday - Friday
7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. EST
Phone: (616) 940-7027
Fax: (616) 940-7027
After my broken collar bone which needed surgery and some hardware, I received several AC treatments. Each person that provided the service attended to me and my needs in a professional manner. I was expecting good things from the treatment and was not disappointed. On the three month check-up with the orthopedic surgeon he was surprised at my mobility as I raised my arms fully extended above my head!
Acoustic Compression, when utilized soon after an injury, significantly reduced my recovery time. It decreased pain and the knowledgeable Acoustic Compression staff recommended exercises to help me get back into the gym in just a few weeks instead of months!
During the summer of 2013 I injured my low back and hip while water skiing. I was in extreme pain and unable to sleep for any length of time. I utilized the acoustic compression services to help with the healing process. The clinician listened as I explained my injury, offered an easy to understand explanation of the muscles involved and a timeline for treatment and recovery. He became vested in my recovery and we worked together to make sure the treatments were targeting the injured area. After two weeks of treatment, the inflammation and swelling in my hip and back started to subside and I noticed the pain was diminishing. Within a month, I was significantly better and could resume most of my usual activities.
A month of Acoustic Compression treatments reduced back pain caused by a repetitive stress injury. 4 months later the pain is still decreased, I am able to work at a computer and perform everyday tasks that were painful before, and I think my body is better able to respond to diet and supplements.
AC has changed my life. I've been in pretty severe pain for many years, going through many different PTs for months (up to 18 mos.) at a time, as well as injections in my spine for a couple of years. Nothing has helped me as much as AC and chiropractic care.
I have suffered from Ulcerative Colitis for 13 years with no improvements from Western Medicine. I have a better quality of life after AC treatments. After suffering a severe shoulder injury, I used AC and was surprised that within less than a month I had full range back with zero pain. I thought for sure that I would need surgery and months of recovery. I am currently receiving AC for an IT band issue that has bothered me for 4 years. I have had 2 treatments (with one more scheduled) and already notice a 75 percent improvement. I highly recommend this to all of my friends and family.
2851 Michigan Street, NE
Suite 101
Grand Rapids, MI 49506
616.940.7027 (office)
616.956.9659 (Nature's Remedies)
616.940.2092 (fax)
7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. EST
7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. EST
Wednesday - Friday
7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. EST
Copyright © 2018 DBC Acoustic Compression